How Do I Know if I am Anxious?

Anxiety can be difficult to control and can include excessive worry about multiple things, sometimes even about less severe stressors.  Anxiety symptoms can include:  

  • Feelings of restlessness or being on edge

  • Irritability

  • Muscle tension

  • Getting overwhelmed or tired easily

  • Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

What Causes Anxiety?

Anxiety symptoms can occur from overuse of caffeine, or result from a medical diagnosis, or a side effect of certain nutritional deficiencies or even from certain medications.  Some individuals begin experiencing anxiety after multiple significant stressors have occurred, or following other major changes such as divorce, financial struggles or experiencing a natural disaster.  Anxiety can sometimes tend to run in families also, either as inherited nervous system issues or as learned behavioral responses.  Anxiety issues are commonly experienced by individuals who experienced trauma and abuse during childhood, or during abusive adult relationships.  

Anxiety can have detrimental effects not only on how a person feels day-to-day, but also negatively affecting behaviors such as household tasks and family functions, or work and academic performance.  Anxiety can sometimes lead to perfectionistic tendencies, fear of failure and other unrealistic goals.

What Can I Do to Better Deal with My Anxiety?

Activities that can help cope with anxiety include:

  • Eating nutritious foods to keep your body physically healthy

  • Getting enough physical activity every day

  • Getting adequate sleep and rest

  • Engaging in daily periods of relaxation, meditation, or other calming activities

  • Talking with your doctor to see if there are medical issues that may be causing your anxiety

How Does Therapy Work?

Counseling can also be of significant benefit in learning how to cope with and manage anxiety.  A counselor is an impartial person that will keep your information confidential.  A counselor listens to your concerns and works with you to develop a personal and individualized plan for coping with and overcoming your anxiety, and to help you get your life back on track. 

How to Get Started Today

Contact my office today to schedule an initial appointment

by phone 334-676-3488
